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ANAGLYPH mireille loup
ANAGLYPH mireille loup

Livre monographique de photographies en 3D

Photobook in 3D.

Images Plurielles Editions

Photos: Mireille Loup

Preface: Christian Gattinoni

Texts: Nicolas Mavrikakis, Cécile Camart, Estelle Rouquette

Size: 22 x 22 cm

120 pages - 39 photos in full color

French and English texts

For the first time, very exhautively, we are publishing the work of Mireille Loup on Anaglyph, three series of black and white photographs: 53.77 Anaglyph, Là Anaglyph, Les Fous du Rhône ongoing project.


Beneath / Beyond
Beneath / Beyond
July 5 - September 24

Galerie Circa

2 rue de la Roquette

13200 Arles (FR)

Opening: Thursday the 7th at 6:30 pm

During the Off Festival Rencontres d'Arles 2016, Circa Gallery invites Mireille Loup to exhibit a set of several new photographic series in Arles, including Beneath / Beyond (2016) and Prophecies (2014).

Hours: 10.00-12.30am and 3-7pm. Closed on Sunday and Monday.

Information: +33(0)4 90 93 26 15

Free entry.

Les Fous du Rhône
Les Fous du Rhône
2015 - 2016

Musée de la Camargue

Mas du Pont de Rousty,

13200 Arles, France

Photographic commission in anaglyph process by the Camargue Museum, France [In progress].

Everything changes, everything disappears to reappear later, only madmen know.

Les Fous du Rhône are passionate by the violence of the river, its light and its tragedies. Some dig, look, delve to understand and write its story. They identify its movements over the centuries, the traces it has left in the soil and landscapes, archaeological sites, shipwrecks, antique objects rolled in the vase. Others are simply attached to the Rhône with a story that brought them there, where they have chosen to stay to watch live the river every day, watch his quivering as bewitched by his presence.

Quand la Matière devient Forme
Quand la Matière devient Forme
7th of March to 1rst of July 2016

Centre d'Art Contemporain

2 rue Alphonse Daudet

13800 Istres, France

Opening: Saturday the 5th of March - 11:30 am

Curator: Catherine Soria

Sébastien Peyret Collection: Babi Badalov, Olga Balema, Eva Barto, Julie Bena, Katinka Bock, Jean Alain Corre, Rachel De Joode, Marie Michèle Deschamps, Eléonore False, Eloïse Hawser, Adam Henry, Anne Imhof, Mirak Jamal, Eva Kotatkova, Kapwani Kiwanga, Ruth Laskey, Guillaume Leblon, Emile Mold Et Estrid Lutz, Benoit Maire, Adrian Melis, Marlie Mul, Florian Et Michael Quistrebert, Lisa Ross, Moussa Sarr, Société Réaliste, Michèle Sylvander. Venet Foundation: Robert Morris, Bernar Venet. Musée Départemental de l’Arles Antique Collection: Œuvres antiques. In situ Production: Yannick Daverton, Floryan Varennes. Mireille Loup.


Camargue : archéologie et territoire -  Enquêtes sur un Rhône disparu
Camargue : archéologie et territoire - Enquêtes sur un Rhône disparu
Sat. 12ve of December 2015 - Sun. the 5th of June 2016

Musée Départemental de l'Arles Antique
Avenue 1ere division de la France libre - presqu'île du cirque romain
Arles, 13200 - France

Opening: Friday the 11th of December - 6pm

An historical and archaeological exhibition which Mireille Loup shows the first anaglyph photograph of her series Les Fous du Rhône, an artistic work commissioned from the Camargue Museum.